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Student role player at European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine in Neder-Over-Heembeek

The European Society for Emergency Medicine is looking for students to work as role players at the European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM). The exam contains interactive stations where real-life clinical situations are simulated. We are looking for doctor/nurse students who can play a medical role or other students who can play non-medical roles (patient or relative). Good English skills are required as the examiners are Emergency Medicine doctors from all over Europe and the exam also happens in English.

32 - 35 uur per week
€12,00 per uur

Wat ga je doen?

You will be assigned to a role upfront (description will be sent via email.) After a half a day of preparation you will play the same role throughout the 3 examination days.

Role players are needed on all exam days to ensure consistency.

Working days and hours:

28 November: 12:00-17:00 (preparation day)

29 November: 08:15-17:00

30 November: 08:15-17:00

1 December: 08:15-15:00

Location: Militair Hospitaal Koningin Astrid, Brussel


Wat wij bieden

  • 12€/hour salary with student contract.
  • Food and drinks will be provided throughout the 4 working days.
  • Educational experience for medical students by working with experts from the medical field.

Wat wij vragen:

  • Je moet een hogeschool/universiteit student zijn
  • Good English skills
  • Medical or nurse student for medical roles, other studies accepted for non-medical roles


If you are interested in the student job send us your application in English with mentioning the role you'd like to apply for (medical or non-medical). For medical roles you need to be a doctor or nurse student.

Extra informatie

Professioneel gerichte bachelor, Academisch gerichte bachelor, Master, Doctoraat
Werkuren per week
32 - 35
Weekendwerk, Vrijwilligerswerk
€12,00 per uur
Verantwoordelijk voor
Role playing in a simulated interactive medical scenario.
Beroepsgroepen subcategorie
Rijbewijs nodig?
Auto nodig?
Motivatiebrief verplicht?

Medische vacatures | Weekendwerk | Vrijwilligerswerk | Professioneel gerichte bachelor | Academisch gerichte bachelor | Master | Doctoraat